What Are Alpha Brain Waves and Their Benefits

Our brain is made up of millions of neurons that work together in a certain way to send electrical signals to transmit information. They are called waves because when they are looked at from an EEG machine, these signals take on a wave-like format. 

There are five basic types of brain waves and alpha brain waves represent one pattern from them. Brain waves basically range from very slow to very fast and alpha waves fall in the middle. Alpha waves are produced when someone is awake but not concentrating on anything specific.  

What is Alpha Brain Waves?

Alpha Waves measure between 8 and 12 HZ, the state occurs when someone feels relaxed or reached a state of mindfulness. This is why these waves are mainly experienced when anyone does activities like meditation or any stress-relieving activities. Research confirms that alpha waves link to the flow state and being in a fully immersed state of energized focus.Alpha waves play an important role in brain activity and the alpha state helps us to:

Relaxed focus
Decompress stress
Constructive thinking
Accelerated learning
Flow state

What Are the Benefits of Alpha Waves?

You may be thinking about why alpha waves are so important in our life. Alpha brain waves take you to a state of rest that can lower your stress levels and help you feel calmer. One of the key benefits of increased alpha waves is that it helps to improve performance. It helps us to focus precisely and be more productive. Boosting your alpha waves also increases your creativity levels. In a study of 20 healthy participants, researchers found evidence that they could trigger creativity amongst participants enhancing alpha waves alternating current stimulation waves of the frontal cortex. 

Alpha states help us minimize the sensory input and clear the mind from unwanted thoughts. The biofeedback of alpha waves is used as a tool for treating anxiety and depression. It has the ability to access the relaxation response which is beneficial to the mind and body. And alpha waves are not responsive only during a stressed period but at any time required. 

It is also said that alpha waves are the most rhythmic waves produced by the brain, so with an increased alpha wave, you are more likely to pay attention to your inner experience rather than focusing on anything else. 

Another key benefit of alpha waves is that it helps to lower the heart rate, blood pressure and sweating. With a deeper relaxation of muscle the digestive system functions better and an increase in the percentage of oxygen and blood flowing to the brain, improving the overall condition of your mind and body. 

The Bottom Line

The human brain is always going through some type of electrical activity. The electrical waves completely depend on what you’re doing and how you are doing. When alpha waves are dominant, you’re likely in a state of wakeful relaxation.

Mindfulness and meditation may help increase your alpha waves to help you feel calmer and less anxious, which is a cost-effective way to increase your productivity and enjoy a happy life.


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